LG says:

“It was during this program especially the “debt free” session that my bank overdraft was settled miraculously and today I am debt free in Jesus name.”

William says:

“My wife was owed outstanding of her pension over £22,000 yesterday she noticed that it has been paid. She has been chasing this payment for over a year. Because of illness, we started the prayer program late on 11 May. On the day we started the prayer the payment was processed.”

Dear Friend,

It is time to pray your way out of debt.

How, you ask.

We do it through practice.

Look at this prayer:

“I refuse to pay my tithes to Pharaoh; owners of evil load of debt, carry your load and die in the name of Jesus.”

This is WARFARE prayer to get you out of debt quickly (more in a moment). But first…

An example is worth more than a thousand theories.

Back to the prayer:

“I refuse to pay my tithes to Pharaoh; owners of evil load of debt, carry your load and die in the name of Jesus.”

That’s what I gave to one new visitor to our websites last year.

Her case was so bad … she was in so much debt…

She claimed that if you look up the word “debtor” in the dictionary you’re most likely to find her name there!

The instruction was for her to pray ONLY that one prayer for an hour each night.

There was something else she had to do.

(As explained in the Debt-Freedom Manual on the next page).

Days later, she woke up to the sound of her phone ringing.

It was the creditor calling.

This time to announce her debt had been cancelled.

100 percent. Just like that.

Please note that this does NOT mean yours will be instant like hers (though I pray you have a testimony to share soon).

However, it does mean that you are more likely to receive divine solution to this debt problem sooner than later if you …

(a) start praying without delay

(b) learn to exercise financial discipline

(c) and keep your trust in the LORD

LG confirms this:

“I remember vividly that It was during this program especially on “debt freedom” that my bank overdraft was settled miraculously and today I am debt free in Jesus name. All praise and honor to God the Father who is so merciful to us.”

For the Bible says:

Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. — Isaiah 58:9

There are 3 tips we share with our members who desire to get out of debt sooner than later.

TIP #1

Bring your spending under control.

Believe it or not, many people in debt today can do with a bit of financial discipline in how they spend and what they spend their money on.

This is an absolute starting point for anyone planning to get out of debt anytime soon.

(This one is not really spiritual but it could be).

TIP #2

Learn 2 types of prayers.

Type #1 prayers are debt-cancelling prayers.

Type #2 prayers are prosperity-injection prayers.

Both are necessary in order to break the stubborn cycle of debt and usher in abundance and plenty.

You will see examples of both shortly.

Before I give you Tip #3, here’s what can happen very quickly when you take this unusual teaching to heart.


You Can Still Get Out of Debt –
Whether the Devil Likes It or Not

Received: Jan 26, 2021

“May 2019, I was sad and depressed, not married, a single mum, broke and robbing peter to pay paul. I was looking at my life and did not know how I was going to come out of debt and my hopeless situation.

I couldnt afford to pay my rent and didn’t know where the money was going to come from, further I had notices posted on my door that if I didnt pay my rent, i would be kicked out, my credit was ruined with a credit score in the 400s.

I remember so vividly, on the 28th of May 2019, my aunt called me and said have you heard of Elisha Goodman? I said no, she says goggle him and read about his ministry.

She went on to say, don’t pay for anything, just do the free prayers you see.

I goggled and kept reading, then something caught my eyes – the Prayer Academy, where you learn to pray for yourself, lay hands on yourself and hear from God and the Holy Spirit.

I was sold, unbeknownst to my aunt, I paid that day and I began my Prayer Academy program June of 2019. In less than 2 weeks into the program God began to show Himself.I got a new job, I did my very first Esther fast. I began to trust God and His word.

Fast forward to October of 2019, I lost my job and where I was staying, but instead of me crying or being depressed, I called unto the God of miracles, signs and wonders to do what He does best and i embarked on 3 days of Esther fast.

3 weeks later I got an even better job and was able to find a 1-bedroom basement to stay for me and my daughter.

Sir, I have not missed a program you have called since completing the Prayer Academy.

Today I am debt free, credit score is in the high 600s and I just purchased a brand new home – new construction in this pandemic.

I want to give God all the glory.

A million “Thank You” is not enough but here I am back to say thank you LORD!”

– Eagle T D


TIP #3

Please don’t go it alone.

Borrow a leaf from Eagle TD…

Find a genuine group of praying believers and join them.

They will uphold you when you are weak.

They will share their war stories and victory strategies with you.

They will support you in prayer (very important).

They will share Scriptures of encouragement with you …

… and help you silence the evil voice of discouragement and hopelessness.

There are a few other things you’ll be encouraged to put into practice such as giving your tithes, seeking the kingdom…

… but these 3 will get you moving in the right direction quickly).

Talking about finding a praying group …

… There’s no better place than the Prayer Eagles Forum, where all our prayer warrior eagles from 117 countries congregate to share, intercede for and encourage one another.

It is the ONLY online Forum where you can access our most current materials and prayer bullets. It is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Biblical Support

“For the LORD your God shall bless you as He has promised you, and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you. – Deut. 15:6

Any believer in debt or whose money mysteriously disappears into thin air needs to know this:

It is false to have the notion that God wants you to be poor or in debt (HE does not).

It is false to think that God does not does not love you enough to provide for you.

Allow me to repeat what I’ve been saying here for 16 years.

There is something we all need to understand about debt.

It is a secret WEAPON of war.

Plain and simple.

The rich use it against the poor.

Proverbs 22:7 says:

The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Rich nations (and their institutions e.g. the IMF) secretly use it against poor nations.

The enemy is an expert at deploying the weapon of debt against the people of God.

But thank God for deliverance from every form of bondage including debt slavery in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The example prayers are culled from our latest DEBT FREEDOM manual.

Eagle Anne, U.K.

recommends Elisha Prayer Eagles.

“How I Got Out Of Debt, Married My Godly Spouse And Jump-Started My Stalled Career”

“I once joined the Prayer Academy in 2015. After re-reading Elisha’s course again and again I got it. I went back to university, graduated and wrote my first book same year. But God had not finished with me yet.

I miraculously became mortgage-free at 48 years of age and bought my new property cash. My biggest debt gone just like that, I’m still in shock. It’s not easy to do this here in the UK. I’m not even a British by birth. I came here from Africa. I could feel my chains break.

Listen I’m not saying I suddenly became rich. I’ve read, prayed and taken action about debt from Elisha’s notes. I practically followed everything word for word. I also got married four months later to my best friend and childhood sweetheart who I have similar religious beliefs. We went to Sunday school together and same primary school. I prayed for marriage because my first marriage failed.

Elisha’s teaching on this one is not for the faint hearted. I tried these prayers before and quit. But I went back and prayed them like crazy… now I own my house now without a mortgage, I got married same year. I have many more things that are happening.”

Bih, South Africa

recommends Elisha Prayer Eagles.


“I praise the living God for what He has used you to do in my life and to many others.

After going through challenging times over the past three years without a job and over 8 years going through a divorce, the one relationship that prevented me from going insane is my relationship and faith in God.

Over the last two years I sank further into debt and just could not function.

Then my very good friend and sister sent me the link at the end of Dec 2018 to join you and many others storm the gates of 2019 over a 14 days prayer and fasting. then on the 12 of Jan I decided to order for the ecourse on how to pray out of debt.

I write to let you know that all my debts have been paid in full within a week of prayer. I am now going ahead to register with the Prayer Academy.

May God bless you richly. To God be the glory!”

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