Prayer against Evil



No apologies.

Just received this inspiring letter coming from South Africa.

“7 prayerful prayers in a furious way for February

stopped death at the door”

“I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for being our coach for so long and with such unwavering commitment.

In the early morning hours on Sunday, the Holy Spirit awoke around 3:45 am to pray. I recited the seven ferocious requests for prayers in February. As I fell asleep I was dreaming that a close my friend was in the car. we were returning from the same town.

As I looked at him, I couldn’t tell if he was my friend I have known for a while. He was an outsider, however I had the impression that he was my friend. When driving, something got the better of him and he lost the control of the vehicle. We drove over an overhang and the car was thrown up into the air. There was an area of valley on the bottom with mountains all over.

I was looking forward to our fall into a mountain, but everything was going in slow-motion. In space, I noticed the sky opening up as I glimpsed two people dressed in white. One of them was standing and the other sitting in a way as if they were waiting for me to arrive.

Then I noticed an unidentified white bird advancing towards me, ready to take me (I felt it was The Holy Spirit) and I immediately began praying, and I told God “Lord please forgive me of my sins, I want to enter heaven”. The creature was heading towards me to take me, my alarm clock sounded.

Elisha The experience felt real when I awoke up sweating. I believe this was Satan’s method of stealing my soul, however, I believe that the God of the seven ferocious prayers put an end to death at the door. I’m not sure what could happen if I had decided not to pray these points of prayer. The experience has made me realize that this is the way that people sleep, and don’t wake up.

The devil designed this to ensure that my death would get “accepted” by family and acquaintances. They would have claimed “she died peacefully in her sleep, God took her peacefully” This is nonsense.

This incident was a stark reminder that Satan is looking for whom he can devour. It is imperative to get enthusiastic about God in these final days. The time of mild Christianity is now over. It’s the time for a war of ferocity.

These prayers are in fact made by the throne room in heaven.”

– Thandeka, South Africa

She claims:

“These prayers are manufactured from the throne room of heaven.”

Do I really need to say anything more?

For those who are looking for death-restraining prayers, check out the next one…

Why you might never require these six prayers (but I’m offering them to you regardless)

If the need ever occurs…

You’ll be prepared.

It’s not a short video… however, I’m sure you don’t would want to miss it.

What would you like to see in the prayers you make to “scare” away death itself?

Take a notebook with you and record the 6 prayers (plus the Scriptures) in this enthralling praise report.

Below is Eagle Josephine and her praise-report:


“At my job I met a coworker who was aware of Elisha Goodman but who has not been a member of the Academy.

So , when I told my daughter of the Academy she started chatting with me for a while. On June 22nd , she called me at about a few minutes before midnight of her daughter having been in a coma, and they were unsure of the reason.

I suggested she pray at midnight. these prayer points:

1. The owners of the evil load Carry your burden by the flames of Jesus’s name.

2. God of heaven, send you angels of war and flame to the world of the living as well as the dead to shut down every grave of satanic abomination that is dug in my sister xxx , in Jesus’s name.

3. Coffin spirits who are designed to destroy my sister’s life get divine judgement through the fire of Jesus’s name.

4. O Lord, arise and take his mouth, in Jesus’s name.

5. Satan is a deceiver The number xxx isn’t your candidate, go eat your body and drink the blood in Jesus in Jesus’ name.

I also shared with her these scriptures: Luke 1:37; Matthew 19:26 that I had included in the posts of Elisha’s days prior.

The third day of prayer , i was at the 5th prayer pointand I was stuck on it a few times, and then observed my friend’s sister sitting in a hospital bed, and the black man in the hat slipping off her body, and then going away.

The next day, I met with my coworker and she was hurrying to the hospital after her sister started closing her eyes. The doctor discovered her brain was swelling and filled with fluid, and she had the left side of her body was became paralyzed. It was the result of a stroke.

Her sister was in a numb condition and the spirit led me to this prayer place:

The Spirit of resurrection breathe in her life blood, lungs bones, eyes and her entire human body, in the name of Jesus.

Then, on Tuesday, July 2nd the liquid inside her the brain had gone away and she was taken out of ICU.

She was however compelled the sensation of her body. It was just that I could not pray anymore. It was a matter of gratitude. I told my colleague that they had to be thankful to God.

As I speak, her sister is now able to feel her body and recall all her friends, but she cannot remember the latest things that happened.

The last Friday, the sole message that I heard in my spirit was that they must be thankful to God. It’s truly a miraculous event. Her sister was born again for many years, however her husband surrendered the gift of his life Christ this month, having witnessed the power of God.

Thank you for teaching us how to pray. In addition, the daily postings are vital. I stumbled across the prayer points as well as the passage about a week prior to the incident occurred.

Jesus lives!”

– Josephine B

Praise the LORD.

Whatever your current circumstance…

… no matter if you’re facing financial difficulties or are going through a breakup recently lost your job, or are struggling with health issues, or you’re experiencing a feeling of being “stuck” in your life –

The LORD can use prayer (or prayer of others) to change things extremely fast for your.

I rechecked Josephine’s file and found out that she’s an PLATINUM Eagle after having been through our most advanced training time and again.

When you reach this PLATINUM LEVEL the focus shifts from merely praying for your self towards…

… aiding others by demonstrating the power of miracles that work through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ.

This husband lady recently committed the gift of his life Christ.


Since he has seen the hands of the Lord working.

Bible declares:

Jesus thus said to him, unless you witness the signs or wonders of God, you won’t in any way trust in God. – John 4:48

The same is true now.

My intention in sending these daily hot broadcasts is to get you awake to be able to achieve the same level that Josephine is showing in this video…

… So you can also lend the same help to the people in your vicinity.

After you have prayed God’s power, you will be able to bring the grace of God in your life.

It gives Heaven the most happiness when we come in to assist others in prayer Eagles.

Since at the time of the end of the day the LORD is the one to be praised.

Let’s give more evidence.

“Activating the healing power of prayer (distance no barrier)”

“Towards the final days of 2015, I was requested to ask for prayers for the healing of two ladies. one who was 20 years young and the second was about 50 years old.

They both were taken to Hospital and were placed on beds close to one another. The 20-year-old was unable to consume a large amount of food for longer than a year, while the 50-year-old was suffering from heart problems.

“They were miles away So I prayed for them on the phone. I offered this three-step prayer:

“O great physician, by every power for which you are known to be God, arise and totally heal Winnie (20-year-old) and Nepika (50-year-old) in Jesus name”.

– For every arrow that is was programmed into their bodies. I’m telling you to go out and not to come back in Jesus name”

I remove their bloodline from all blood bank that is a satanic one in Jesus name, amen”

“After prayer for the two, they, both reported to me that they were sweating. The following day, the girl began eating large quantities of food. She was unable to eat for more than one year.

“The 50 year old was healed. Not only were they healed, but also the girl’s parents and guardians, who were listening to my prayer while the phone was placed on the speaker, experienced an intense desire for the Word of God. After two weeks of praying, the family were unable to put down Bible. Bible.” Daniel K, PNG. Daniel K, PNG

Praise the LORD.

I hope that you are able to catch this segment…

“For two weeks following the prayer, they couldn’t discontinue reading from their Bible …”

Every event God does will bring people closer to Him.

Inspire them to hunger for more of Him.

This is the reason miracles exist. Period.

Keep this in the back of your head when you hear about miraculous events (there are so many counterfeits and fakes in the world today).

There are believers who were renewed for 30 years won’t even think of undertaking such a task…

Our prayer eagles, who are trained within our Prayer Forum right here, always seeking an opportunity to break prisoners free.

They have proof they are living proof that Jesus Christ is still in the business of healing.

Everyday, He confirms the activities of his followers by revealing signs and wonders.

Here’s a different alternative…

Who else is looking to turn into a dedicated combat machine?

“I was first introduced by this organization in 2007, and was struggling with demon oppression. It was my first time being a Christian but had no any understanding, let alone the ability to combat spiritual warfare.

“I was battered in my dreams as well as in real life , and I was shamed. Then, one day, an email came into my inbox. I started reading all the testimoniesand was so thrilled to know to know that there is an answer to my issue.

“I began receiving your emails , and also participated in the night prayers, and also did the prayer bullets in the manner recommended. My life was transformed to the good. Following my participation in Prayer Academy, I was no longer a threat.

“Through your time-saving lessons, I along with my most seasoned warrior buddy Tsakane created a prayer group which teaches war. We have celebrated our 9th year with these women who are dangerous. We have a total of 20 fighting machines dedicated to our cause.

“With the entirety of your instruction we were blessed by the abilities of Holy Spirit. i.e the ability to speak and interpret tongues prophesy gift and healing and discernment.

In our meetings, people are asked to help us and we trust in the direction from the Holy Spirit to direct us in all situations that we face and we have not ever stopped expanding.

“The team is now part of the annual 27 minute countdown to midnight. A few of the team members have taken part at this year’s Prayer Academy. “May the Lord keep increasing your devotion to the Lord. Thank you for all you have done for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

– Irene, South Africa



Two outstanding points she made. You must take note of them especially if you’re working in the ministry.

Outstanding Statement #1:

“With the entirety of your instruction we were blessed with abilities of Holy Spirit. i.e. communicating and interpreting tongues, prophecy gift and healing the ability to discern.”

Outstanding Statement #2:

“We trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit for direction in every situation we come across and we have never stopped growing.”

If you study Acts of the Apostles, you will discover that these passages are biblical. Without them statements, no ministry is able to fulfill its purpose.

Acts 1:8 states:

But you’ll be granted power after the Holy Ghost has at your side. And you will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem as well as throughout Judaea and also in Samaria and the very utmost parts of the world.

Now, let’s pause to pray.

Take this as a holy scream:

O LORD, ignite the flame that is the Holy Ghost in me , so I can realize my full potential in Jesus name.

This is a prayer that is furious.

Eagle Irene and her group of warriors for prayer have been able to experience the flame. They are the reason they have the nickname:

“Dedicated fighting machines.”

It is a great thrill hearing about these feats to advance God’s sake Christ. My desire and prayer is that you, too, can benefit from these lessons to eventually become a formidable Christian warrior for Christ’s Kingdom.

I am awestruck when someone learns these principles and then decides to teach others.

It really brightens my day.


It’s almost like I hear someone say, “I am not that anointed”


What would you know If you don’t try it out the test?

Try something new.

I actually got this card this morning.

In a coincidence, it’s the same Irene from South Africa:

“You don’t need to be liked by a pastor”

“I came across this website in 2013, on the 06th of November following a terrible breakup with my boyfriend I was devastated and ever since , my life has changed the 180 degrees.

This ministry has completely changed my life and my family and the world around me.

“I’m living my life in a way that goes beyond my experience due to Firesprings ministry, and all I do is advise people to pray to join the prayer academy and receive their prayers answered since the majority of Christians struggle and do not know about this program.

“Let’s get out and let them know there’s a better method of praying The world is in need of this kind of ministry. You aren’t relying on anyone else to pray for you. All you have to do is find the right prayer to pray and God will surely respond.

“I cherish this ministry with all my heart. it doesn’t require being popular with a pastor to allow you to see your prayers answered. I love the way you are doing things. Keep up the great work. Thank God for making use of Firesprings to save me.” Irene P. Irene P.


Our lives are richly blessed. blessed to be.

As we enter this march month, be sure to remember to do it…

One Step, One Punch, One Round


Log in to the Prayer Forum (one step) Begin with the initial prayer bullet (one punch) Soon you will reach all the prayer bullets that are available for the time (one one round).

Do that every day and you’ll receive everything you need to answer your prayer…

… And take advantage of the massive flow of divine blessings fresh from the storage facilities of Heaven each day.

I would never like to hear someone say they have been praying everything they can think of and don’t know what prayer to do.

One step one punch just one punch at a stretch … starting tonight.

The main issue people are facing today is a lack of confidence.

This is where the Forum is in.

What exactly is it?

The words from prayer Rose, the Advisor Rose…

“The Forum is designed for users to talk about their issues to ensure that an army of prayer Eagles and prayer advisors are able to help you with prayers and assist you, encourage you, and pray with you to eliminate all negative spirit, principality or force that is causing you problems.

As we collectively move forward, we constitute stronger and winning is ours to win. If we can share our issues we are exposed to the various weapons the enemy employs and, right then and there since there is an army we are able to defeat them all together and advance with greater power in God.

Nobody has access to your personal information within the Forum and Forum members aren’t allowed to discuss or disclose the contents of discussions, or anything mentioned, suggested within the Forum with anyone, in public, or outside of this forum.”

– Prayer Advisor Rose, Australia

Proverbs 27:17 says:

Iron sharpens itself and a man sharpens his friend’s face.


For this month’s prayers.

7 Furious

Prayers for March 2022

Scripture Ingredient:


However, Jesus saw them, and said to them, This isn’t possible for men however with God all things are possible.

Psalm 63:9-10:

The ones who are seeking my soul, in order to eliminate it, shall be taken to the bottom on earth. They will fall with the sword and serve as a parting gift to the foxes.

1. I revoke my name from any register of sudden destruction and death by the grace of Jesus.

2. Any part of my body that is that is programmed to hinder my goals be extinguished by the fire by Jesus name.

3. Let every satanic timetable of my family and my life be consumed by the flame of divine judgement in

Jesus name.

4. Trees that have caused me harm I will listen to the words of the Lord Dry up, and then die by the grace of Jesus.

5. My blessings in the storeroom of the enemy. I will clear you up with fire by the commandment of Jesus.

6. Every enemy to my advancement and promotion in this season, let them scatter them in Christ’s name. Jesus.

7. The blood of Jesus rise up in your strength to fight on behalf of me through my desires to the glory of Jesus.

Take these prayers seriously and pray with holy crazy.

Prayer in the spirit of the conqueror…

… with a view to Jesus as Jesus, the author and ultimate keeper of the faith we have..

Has the LORD done anything for you this year?

<< Share it here and put the devil to shame >>

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Be An Overcomer
