Prayer For Visa

Someone would like to encourage you today.

Annie T writes from Botswana:

“I am saying, if there is anyone who has never been touched in any part of their lives by God of Elisha…

… please collect all the 7 furious prayers that you can come across…

… and use or re-use them afresh to re-write your family history for you and your generation to come.”

That’s an Eagle Pro Tip

You will see MORE in a moment.

First, a quick reminder:


Please note that the testimonials and praise reports here are NOT typical. You may or may not get any results from
using the principles taught here. In other words, this may not work
for you at all. On the other hand, they have worked for thousands
like you. Who’s to say they will not work for you? May the LORD
richly bless you.

– elisha

** *

Latest HIV Report – Submitted July 9, 2019 at 8:39 am

I was diagnosed with HIV in Nov. 2016, i was devastated as this man promised to marry me i thought he was my Godly spouse i knowingly engaged in sexual sin.

Unknown to me he was already living with this deadly disease for many years and he wasn’t born again. After i discovered i immediately broke up with this man, repented to Jesus and was no longer participating in any sexual sin.

I am grateful that Mpho (God bless her soul) introduced me to this website. Ii instantly went into prayer doing ALL the monthly furious prayer points at midnight.

These prayers were my daily medicine along with the healing scriptures in the Holy Bible. I was meditating on them night & day filled with UNSHAKEABLE FAITH. I knew God cant lie.

Surely May 2019 I had a dream were I was walking in a hospital. I woke up and felt i should go for a test. I did.

I’m HIV NEGATIVE. GLORY BE TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thank Jesus for His power to heal my body.

– Name Withheld

Work Visa Released After Prayer Battle In The Dream, Plus A Little Help From Eagles In The Forum

A week ago, I posted up here that I had a dream that I was in a dark room full of dust, at the time I was struggling to get an answer from Immigration regarding my work visa application. Normally it took only 2 weeks, but this year it has taken almost 5 months of waiting and there is no response at all. Countless follow up did not help.

This week’s prayers is very different for me, I felt all the roots of hell in my foundation has uprooted one by one, and this is a very shocking revelation to me as I declared the prayer bullets aggressively, something daunted on me that my issue is dealt with these prayers, I soar with anger and holy cry out to the Lord from my heart.

And as I fired the bullets I felt lighter, the more I fired them the more lighter I felt, knowing that I have a stubborn problem as nothing, nothing at all, and I mean nothing at all works in my life. My dream life is battlefield.

Last night, I dreamed that a stranger came up to me and said no matter how hot you pray, all your blessing will be blocked. IN the dream I turned away from him and declare, I refuse to bow to you Satan, I bow to the only God who sits on the throne.

To my surprise, I wake up this morning, and found an email from Immigration that my Skilled Work Visa is approved, and that’s not it, it goes further to say, it is for a good three years.

The Lord heard my cries, I feel lighter but I am looking forward to the prayer times.

Thank you Eagles family. I wish to stay in this forum and keep enrolling on other courses to stay in touch with you all. I cannot wait to see more blessings as they come. This is a breakthrough.

Our Lord is bigger and all powers belong to Him, Himself! May His name be glorified forever.

– Lima  

From Fiji to New Zealand – Behold Prayer In Action

I have been following you from January this year but i received your prayer point from a friend two years ago. It has always been my helper since. Miracle after miracle happened in my life. Coming from Fiji to New Zealand was beyond our dreams. We never thought we would come but here am in NZ working. Truly GOD is great.

– Reshma 

God Works In Mysterious Ways – I Joined The Prayer Academy Wanting to Grow Spiritually

Today is my last day of Prayer Academy, I have completed the program. I thank God for this program.

I have several testimonies since I joined here but the mother testimony is my birthday present on 5 July where my husband bought me a car, which I never dreamed him buying it for me and I call it a product of prayer Academy.

Please my fellow eagles let’s hold on to these prayers and God of Firesprings ministries. Don’t give up and don’t lose hope, soon you will testify.

I joined prayer Academy with an aim of wanting to grow spiritually, and 3 others things, but God works in mysterious ways, he has rebuilt me, given me what I never expected, learnt so many things though here….Glory be to God. – Towera C

“My Landlord Unaware I Was Taught to Fight And War With Prayer Bullets”

Participating in this Diamond Edition Program puts us in a comfort zone knowing that we are protected by the Blood of Jesus at all times.

My country is experiencing terrible economic woes. Prices of every commodity going up daily including rentals which are charged in forex.

My landlord taking advantage of the situation decided to issue my family with a 3-month notice of eviction unaware that I was taught to fight and war with my fingers and hands. I used the number 25 Bullet in the Diamond Letter.

“Every evil agreement working against my life, be consumed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus.” 

My Lawyer took to them to court and the Judge dismissed the case and told them there is no VALID Reason for Eviction. Alleluia. Thank you Jesus. – Eagle D 


What to Pray When Hell Rises Up Against You

Are you trying to receive your blessings?

Are you trying to birth new-to-the-world ideas for the good of mankind?

Are you looking to fulfil your destiny anytime soon?

Lindiwe from South Africa writes:

I have learned a lot on prayers, and now in the church, they also notice that there is something happening in my spiritual life. Now they have started to use me in the church.

Today I can see where I am  going in my spiritual life. And I can see that God has a purpose about my life. I thank God about you because if I did not come across your website, my life will be stagnant, standing in one place. Now I know that the secret is prayer.

Do you feel the promptings of the Spirit to go higher…

… with big, healing, revolutionary dreams and vision?

If you do, then I have
bad news and good news

First the bad news:

Hell will rise up against you.

The dragons and snakes of the world are going to bare their fangs and claws and attack.

And they will not stop until you destroy them.

Now to the good news.

Once you can confirm that your dreams are in line with the will of God for your life…

… then you should know that all the resources of Heaven

are already committed to seeing you through to victory provided:

You are prepared to do battle in order to secure them!


Are you ready to do battle?

Then you’re in the right place.

The 7 Furious Prayers for this month will get you off to a good start.

They are culled from a brand-new series of prayers known as:

The BOOM BOOM Prayers!

(To be fully featured in the 24-Hour Blog when it reopens for the Golden Journey 2019 Express in a few weeks)

I got to tell you:

These are wild prayers.

The LORD God of Heaven & Earth is standing by to answer them all but please …


For these prayers to work as intended, you must surrender your life t the Lord Jesus Christ. Here are
the 4 conditions:

#1: You must be genuinely born again

If you are not, you will be putting yourself in great danger praying these prayers the way I’ve laid them out here.

#2: Living a holy life is non-negotiable

As soon as you read this, the Holy Spirit will begin to convict you if you are living in any known sin. My advice is that you drop this material immediately, go on your knees and repent. Do not go back to your vomit.

#3: Be filled with the Spirit

You must not be a fleshly, carnal believer. Learn to crucify your flesh. A few tell-tale signs of carnal Christians are that they get angry very easily, cannot control their appetite for food or sex, always compare themselves to others, tell small white lies, gossip about everyone, etc.

#4: You must be addicted … to your Bible, that is

Read it out loud as much as possible. Meditate on Scripture and let your actions and decisions be
directed by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

7 Furious Prayers for August 2019

Scripture Ingredient:

Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD goes forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. – Jer. 23:19

  1.  LORD I thank you for the fire of deliverance of the Holy Spirit
  2.  I challenge every organ of my body with the fire of deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ.
  3.  Every altar of my mother’s house swallowing my blessings, catch fire now and burn to ashes in the
    name of Jesus.
  4.  4th Man in the fire, appear in my situation today in the name of Jesus.
  5.  O Wind of the Holy Ghost, break my yokes in the name of Jesus.
  6.  In Jesus name I cancel every timetable of untimely death in my family line by the power of the
    Blood of Jesus.
  7.  Power of divine favor locate me now in the name of Jesus.


Be An Overcomer


P.S. Prayer Academy registration for August now open here and HERE

 Are you looking to take a few baby steps?

 … Click Here to start with prayer mini-courses as low as $3.99…

For example … if you are attacked in the dream go here …

OR if you desire divine revelations in your dreams, please visit:

==> Eagle Dream Store