"Know How to Catch Your Dream Before it Fades into Obscurity!"

"You're Only Three  Seconds Away From Discovering The Key to the Meaning of Your Dreams, Hidden From You... Until Now"


The 9 Dreams That Spell R.I.C.H.E.S.

  Part 2


Welcome to Part 2 of this exciting series
where you'll learn about dreams that
warn about impending danger and how
to recognize them.

"Do you ever consider that many times you
have even received warnings in your dreams... 
and due to lack of understanding you may have 
allowed some nasty events to happen to you?"

The President's Case

A few days before he was killed, Abraham Lincoln
said that he was impressed by the number of 
prophetic dreams in the Bible.

When his wife asked him why he'd brought this up, 
Lincoln related a dream he just had.

He was wandering through the halls of the White House 
trying to find out where the sound of weeping people 
was coming from. His search led him to the East Room 
where he saw a coffin lying on a platform, guarded by 
soldiers and surrounded by a throng of mourners.

"Who is dead?" he asked in the dream.

"The president, killed by an assassin" was the answer.

The loud grieving sobs of mourners finally awoke 
Lincoln from the dream.

We all know the rest of the story... Lincoln was 
killed by an assassin's bullet a few days later.

What dreams are you ignoring?

The next few episodes may not concern you...
you should thank God for that.

However they may be a problem of someone
close to you.

Dream Keys

Your dreams contain vital information... 
and a key!

Every person who sleeps carries this key, but
few know how to "plumb" their dream's depths
to excavate the spiritual intelligence...

that could usher in promotion, happiness,
success, and wealth.

And even divine protection...

Our Lord Jesus says in Matthew 13:25,

"But while men slept, his enemy came and 
sowed tares among the wheat and went his

You see, the greatest danger that we face in 
life begins when we sleep. 

The "tares" Jesus talked about refers to 
mysterious problems that seem to pop out of
nowhere and turn a person's life upside down!

There are 40 kinds of "tares" i.e. problems
that can be introduced into a person's life 
while she's asleep.

For instance, If you've had any of these dreams, 
it's time to take spiritual action:

1. do you eat or drink in the dream?

2. do you have sex in the dream?

3. do you swim in the dream?

4. are you being chased or bitten by
cats, dogs, or even snakes? 

5. do you get shot at in the dream?

6. do you have accidents in the dream?

7. has anything been stolen from you
in the dream?

8. do you see yourself being married in
the dream (or going to weddings)?

9. do you climb mountains in the dream?

10 do you dream and forget everything by
the time you wake up?

11 do you have nightmares?

Then please just take a few moments and go
through this... it takes less than 5 minutes.


"I don't dream, or I don't remember what 
I dream if I do." 

That's a feedback I've been getting from an 
overwhelming number of people.

But what has God to say? 

In Job 33:14-18, we read:

"For God speaks once, yes twice, 
yet man perceives it not. 

In a dream, in a vision of the night, 
when deep sleep falls upon men, 
in slumberings upon the bed, then He 
opens the ears of man, and seals their 
instructions, that He may withdraw man 
from his purpose, and hide pride from man. 

He keeps back his soul from the pit, 
and his life from perishing by the sword."

So everyone dreams. Even scientists agree.

In my new ebook, "The Dream CODE" 
I tell this true story of a newly-wedded 
woman in England.

She dreamt that a blonde woman she'd 
never seen before walked into her home, 
made straight for her closet and grabbed 
her wedding gown. She was gone 
before you could say, "Jesus is Lord."

At breakfast the following morning, she told her 
husband about it. He just laughed it off. 

Tell you what? 

On that exact, same date two months 
later, the husband filed for divorce. 
He packed up and moved in with - you guessed 
it - the blonde woman who first appeared 
in the dream!

Dreams in the Bible

There are at least 28 accounts of dreams in the 
Bible. A few of them are:

(i) Joseph had a dream (Gen.20)
(ii) Pharaoh had a dream 
(iii) Solomon had a dream
(iv) The wise men had a dream
(v) Joseph was warned in a dream to run away 
with Baby Jesus
(vi) Pilate's wife had a dream

Sources of Dreams

Your dreams can come from 3 sources:

- God
- Satan
- The flesh

When a dream is from God, it

- Encourages
- Assures
- Comforts
- Directs
- Instructs
- Guides
- Corrects
- Reveals

When a dream is from the enemy, satan, it is

- Absurd
- Mysterious
- Unreasonable
- Confusing
- Terrifying

When it comes from your flesh, it generally mirrors 
what's been occupying your thoughts throughout the 
day, e.g.

- Negative news from the media
- Idle conversations

Danger of NOT Dreaming

If you feel you don't dream at all, 
the real problem is that of recall. 
If you cannot recall your dreams when 
you wake up, you face a double danger:

- If God wants to speak to you, you will not hear.

- The enemy's presence and activities in your life will 
remain largely undetected.

The Result?

1. you'll be clueless about the things happening to 
you, your finances, health and marriage.

2. you may end up living from crisis to crisis, and 
wondering why your prayers are not working.

More Pointers

Here are more of those dreams that have serious 
spiritual implications:

- going back to your childhood days or to your old 
- strong winds blowing against you or your kids
- carrying strange baby
- wearing tattered clothes
- finding yourself naked
- losing your certificates
- sitting for exams and not able to complete it
- seeing strange creatures laughing at you (even 
when you call the name of Jesus)
- discussing with dead relatives

What's this all mean?

Bible says in James 1:22:

"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving your own selves."

In the next email, we'll find out what some of these 
dreams really mean and what to do about them.

Until then,

Keep your eyes on JESUS ... the Author and Finisher
of our faith!


PS: Can your dreams affect what happens in real life?

       Click Here To Find Out


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