“There’s a FREE e-bullet waiting here for you…”


Welcome, Friend!

I'm delighted that you visited my web site and I hope you sign up for my complimentary e-letter while you're here.

I've named this newsletter e-bullet for a couple of reasons.

First, I want you to know there's a real scriptural principle behind this name. The "e" stands for Elisha (You have to know about Elisha in the Bible and all the exploits he did).

Second, unlike so many long-winded emails that clog your inbox, these e-bullets read fast.

Each issue is like a bullet -- short, lightning fast and guaranteed to help you pray and get results, both for spiritual and material purposes.

Your first e-bullet will reveal one of the least-known yet most powerful secrets for getting answers to prayers and simultaneously causing your expectations to manifest, often in a matter of days.

I have used this technique for years with superb results, but have never seen it described in print. Virtually all Christians, even the 'anointed' ones, are unaware of it. As a result, they're suffering silently with a lot of unanswered prayers. You'll see.

This e-bullet will zing your way tomorrow, along with information on how to access my in-depth Special Reports and Prayer Arsenal.

Future e-bullets will arrive about ONCE every 3 days.

Why only once in 3 days?

I am a strong believer in Briley's Law, otherwise known as the 5/50 rule, or the rule of the vital few and the trivial many.

In any human activity, just a small group of factors is responsible for the lion's share of success.

  • For example, 5% of your daily activities generate 50% of your success and income.
  • 5% of the authors sell 50% of the books.
  • Just 5% of individuals control 50% of the wealth on this planet.
  • And so on.

This certainly applies to the factors governing prayer success.

As a result, you don't need to master scores of rules and learn hundreds of secrets. Just a few-- the right few--will bring you phenomenal success.

I will give you a single, solitary polished gem every 3 days. You don't need more. What you do need is to learn these few e-bullets well.

If you read, study and apply these few e-bullets repeatedly, you may well become a giant of our times. You will grow spiritually and materially than you ever would otherwise. And you will be happy, because achievement based on scriptural principles is one of the key to happiness.

In short, you will succeed by mastering the vital few, while others squander their energy on the trivial many.

Until tomorrow, then, thanks again for visiting. I encourage you to join my mailing list before leaving. You have my word that your e-mail address will never be shared, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Sincerest wishes for an abundant life,



                Elisha Goodman

 Online Prayer Coach


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